Sunday 15 June 2014


New information about the game, MODERN COMBAT 5: BLACKOUT Android

| Along with the official game trailer |
| Together with full details of Game |
Type of Information
Trailer size: 5 MB

Game Description:

Play  MODERN COMBAT 5: Blackout or short (mc5) can transform the world's first person-style game for Android that is supposed to be coming soon for the three platforms, ios, windows phone, android release.Top Mobile site 2 download on those last details and official trailer of the game enthusiasts can offer you. It is worth noting that the release date for this game is unknown and must wait until the time is probably between july and september we to witness the game to be great.
To download the  trailer  and read the description below, please refer to Graduate ...

New information about the game:

In this game we have to wait for good news. The good news is exactly the game makers. You can play in multiplayer mode, you can voice chat and text. The voice chat will come in future updates, but the first version of Chat now.
One of the very attractive features of this version can be 4 types of features in the character selection.These four types are: sniper (sniper), strong (heavy), attack (Assault), and a recon.
Note: According to the last 5 games Kambt Mvdrn said manufacturers must be permanently connected to the Internet. It is time to stop hackers can use to correct our errors that most English literature published by the manufacturer as it also will provide you: Modern Combat 5 will require constant internet connection.

Several points about the game:

1 / The game will be priced at $ 7
2 / game volume is less than 1g.
3 / According to the company, at least 1 GB of RAM Game Loft game wants.
4 / release date unknown but between july, september is.
Note: The Letter Game Loft Ngaryhayy that I personally told me that the release date is still unknown, but with all the effort and are preparing 24 hours and I was also a matter of waiting to do the strangest things.
Pictures from the game:

icon-download  Download Links

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